tipping-bucket rain-gauge中文什么意思

发音:   用"tipping-bucket rain-gauge"造句
  • tip:    vi. (-pp-) 1.给小费。 ...
  • bucket:    n. 1.水桶,提桶;吊桶。 2.( ...
  • rain:    n. 1.雨,下雨;〔pl.〕阵雨。 ...
  • gauge:    n. 1.规,量规,量器,量计,表。 ...
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  1. The two buckets in a tipping - bucket rain - gauge rest on a pivot so that when one bucket has received 0 . 5 mm of rain it tips by gravity , empties the rainwater and allows the other bucket to start collection
    当其中一个承雨斗载足相当于0 . 5毫米的雨量时,受重力的作用而翻侧,并倾出雨水。另外一个承雨斗立刻继续承接雨水。
  2. The two buckets in a tipping - bucket rain - gauge rest on a pivot so that when one bucket has received 0 . 5 mm of rain it tips by gravity , empties the rainwater and allows the other bucket to start collection
    当其中一个承雨斗载足相当于0 . 5毫米的雨量时,受重力的作用而翻侧,并倾出雨水。另外一个承雨斗立刻继续承接雨水。


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